The world is changing. And we are too.

Get to know our Cardano stake pool and everything we have pictured for our culture.

Why DApps?

The first Bolivian Cardano node

We are happy about being supported by the first Bolivian Cardano node, which adds value to the network making it even safer and more decentralized. Best of all, our cloud datacenter services provider is Jalasoft, a recognized top-notch IT company with whom we are willing to work more closely in the future. And we have a lot in mind for what's coming!


About DApps saturation

By delegating your shake to DApps, your are choosing a low-saturation pool. What does this mean? You must already know that Cardano discourages stakers from delegating to over-saturated stake pools. DApps is your choice if you want to average great rewards in the long run. Best of all, we work with low-margin fees.


A Cardano world

We envision a different world. A constantly improving world built over Cardano. We are the ones that became its builders. It's a world in which we take Cardano payments from our clients and in which we pay our developers team with Cardano as well. We envision a different world, a Cardano world, a better world.

To lower fees, higher rewards

DApps works with an optimal pool margin fee below 1%. Your rewards grow up while your fees lower down. Great deal for you. Great deal for us. Great deal for the Cardano world we have pictured.

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